Second Generation Setup

part of In Vitro System Additional Documentation by


Differences from MIT's current setup

To do: part 1 (changes at MIT and SCO)

To do: part 2 (changes at SCO)

Ralph already has a recording amplifier and an optical system. His system is not computerized, however. To do: Also, the MIT setup uses isolated amplifiers (built by Andy) to monitor the current and voltage waveforms. These were built to operate from fairly low supply rails (plus and minus nine volts), which has worked fine for Andy. We can build new ones to send to Ralph, but we will have to be careful because his stimulus isolator may be capable of developing back voltages of tens to hundreds of volts.

To do: part 3 (changes at MIT)

The MIT setup needs to be re-worked for single needle recording. In particular, we need to build a new retina-holding apparatus (machine shop), and devise new fluid-flow and heating systems. We should be able to copy Ralph's setup in these regards.

The MIT setup also lacks an optical system for probing ganglion cell optic receptive fields. There are cheap and expensive approaches to this: