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May 09, 2003

Notes from the weblog writers' meeting

Last night's meeting was lively and fun as always. I learned among other things that Radio has an easily-missed GUI application. That's because 99% of the users will want to work with their weblog through a browser, which is what you get when you launch Radio from the start menu. If you want to fool around with the outliner and other tools, you launch the GUI by right-clicking on the system tray icon and selecting "Open Radio".

I also learned that we should probably set a firm cutoff of 8:30pm. It's pretty hard to keep everyone's attention for more than an hour and a half. I also learned that you should try to avoid eating cheeseburgers at 10pm. Unless of course you like heartburn :-)

Posted by Andrew Grumet at May 9, 2003 09:03 AM | TrackBack | Cosmos


Hear, hear on the 8:30 cutoff and not eating at ten!!! :)

Posted by: Wendy at May 9, 2003 09:18 AM
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