Ad-funded blogs

In my weblogs essay I wrote, “We haven’t seen much in the way of paid advertisements on weblogs.” That changed at the Jupiter conference. Several ad-funded blogs were in evidence. One of the more memorable was AlwaysOn, which inspired one of the panelists to introduce himself as follows: “My name is Michael Moore and I’d like to thank the Academy. I’d also like to say that AlwaysOn sucks! I sit here in protest of their existence.” This to the cheers of many in the crowd. More coverage at AlwaysOn’s heavily popup-laden site. Also in attendance was Gawker, a hip, gossipy Manhattan-centric blog.

One thought on “Ad-funded blogs”

  1. Hmmm, I visited AlwaysOn, but I didn’t see any popups. MozillaFirebird is quite a handy browser. It is definitely an interesting community resource. I wonder what sort of advertising they will use once they realize people hate popup ads. I also wonder what sort of people they are turning away who don’t have a browser or other software to block popups.


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