It’s been a very non-nerdy weekend so far. I’ve barely even fired up my news aggregator. This morning was the usual grocery shopping. The following simple rule seems to work well for weekend treks to the Porter Square Star Market: show up before 10am, no waiting in long checkout lines. This afternoon was replacing the horrible painted-blue-by-the-previous-owners electrical outlets and light switches that don’t match the new and lovely burnt sienna paint in my home office. This evening was making chocolate chip ice cream which should be ready to eat about now. Yes, I’ve been on an ice cream making kick for the last few weeks. Yum yum yum. Oh, and finishing up Attack of the Clones which we’ve finally gotten around to watching thanks to a little help from TiVo. Ah, parenthood. Anyway, I can’t believe it’s so lame. They could have cut the entire first hour. And did you notice that it took rougly a year for this movie to go from threatrical release to home video? I can’t seem to find the dates now, but the transition for Episode IV must have taken 10 or 15 years. Perhaps an indication of the relative quality of each for their time…