Can the lazy Web stand in for eBay?

Due to recent furniture upgrades at Andrew Grumet LLC’s world wide headquarters, I’m looking to unload a 19″ trinitron monitor. The monitor works great, it’s just too large for my new space. An eBay search for this item shows that it’s going for $40 to $140. So, whaddya say, how about $100? I’m not interested in boxing it up so you’d have to be willing to drop by my place in Somerville, MA to get it. If you’re interested and live nearby, or if you’ll be in town for BloggerCon, comment on this post or send me an email.

Update The answer is apparently no. The good news is that I found a friend who was willing to take it off my hands. Now just have to figure out how to get rid of the rest of my crap :->