Has this ever happened to you? You’re driving in the car, and just as you’re pulling in to wherever it is you’re going, a song comes on the radio. A really great song. You’re overtaken. You wait for the song to end before turning off the car and getting out. I have these moments maybe once every few months. Just had one this afternoon. The song? Dear Prudence.

4 thoughts on “”

  1. I would have done the same for Dear Prudence….and for Hey Jude….Back in the USSR…Ob-la-di Ob-la-da…Revolution…and many other Beatles songs.

    Thanks for linking to the lyrics, I could hear the tune in my head.


  2. Cool, thanks for commenting.

    It’s interesting, because I’ve heard the song before and it doesn’t always have the same effect. There’s some conspiratorial mix of the song and the timing that makes the moment happen. Hard (impossible?) to put my finger on it.


  3. I had that happen to me with a piece of classical music. I was on a cross-country road trip by myself when I came across it on the radio – it was really really cool music, unfortunately, it went out of range before I could get to the end and find out what it was (since it was the middle of a symphony). Two years later I finally found it (Mvt II of Bruckner Symphony No. 9). I thought it was Shostakovich at first, and bought a lot of Shostakovich symphonies before I figured it out.


  4. “Dear Prudence” is definitely one of favorite songs, along with “Something” and “You Never Give Me Your Money”. The last time that happened to me with was hearing John Cale’s “Paris 1919” on WREK in Atlanta. “You’re a ghost, la la la la la.” I love that song and hadn’t heard it in many years.

    Isn’t it an XM commercial that has the guy sitting in the car until the end of “American Pie” to the derision of his girlfriend? Can waiting for a great song possibly be a guy thing?


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