I finally took a moment to figure out the story behind David Weinberger’s curiously named Joho The BLOG. I first saw Weinberger give a talk at the ClickZ weblogs conference back in June. The talk was lively and engaging, and, as a side note, he used pc presentation software brilliantly, avoiding the all too common pitfalls. This, along with his Cluetrain credit and a couple of face to face interactions are what got me started reading Weinberger’s blog. Anyway, “Joho” stands for the Journal of Hyperlinked Organization and none of my first few guesses: a weblog for a hip and happening Manhattan neighborhood (“Just Off Houston”?); a welog for Star Wars fans (“Hi, I’m Jabba the Hut. This is my cousin…”); weblog for a hotel chain recently sued for having a name that sounds too much like a popular competitor. The scary part is, I actually think I’m funny. Silliness aside–and you probably don’t need me to tell you this–Weinberger’s stuff is well worth a read.