Dave Winer: “Weblog software is going to be like mail servers.” It’s a bold vision, but we’re well on our way there. The open formats and protocols, the relentless promoting of weblogs by many, and the basic goodness of the weblog idea have enabled a proliferation of compatible authoring and subscription tools. How far can it go? How will the various weblog styles shake out in the marketplace of ideas? What new weblog styles are just around the corner? A few random ideas of my own: 1) an adventurous company will throw out their email software and knowledge management software, and require everyone to communicate company business through their behind-the-firewall weblog; 2) non-extroverted people will find a style that suits them; 3) more and more types of data will be made to flow through syndication (example, example) , because everyone will be using newsreaders.