There’s something going on with Instapundit and Kos. Yesterday, Kos made some ill considered remarks about the recent deaths in Fallujah, got heat for them from Instapundit and many others, and took them down. I read the original post yesterday and can vouch that this copy on Zeno’s Paradox is accurate. I don’t support the “screw them” remark, nor the taking down of the original comments, but I think Instapundit’s being a little disingenuous when he says that he “just noted Kos’ comments”. It seems pretty clear to me that Instapundit lifted out just the part of Kos’ post that suited him. It isn’t gloating to say that every death should be front page news because war has horrible costs. It isn’t gloating for Kos to charge that there were mercenaries among the dead, whether or not the charge holds.