Btw, I pointed to Dave’s comment about Six Apart because I thought there was an important difference. Look at the baby squirrels grow up essay. It’s thoughtful, sympathetic and supportive. Really, really supportive. Afaik nobody from Six Apart came close to reciprocating. One person did offer TypePad hosting, did not offer public support to Dave — nothing approaching “So try to give him the benefit of the doubt, and try to work with him” as far as I know — and made their comments on a thread where a number of folks were offering migration help. Migration help. If I wanted to help a user with a Manila export file, I’d start by trying to find them a new Manila host. If I was a competitor, and I found myself talking to these users, I’d like to think I’d say something like “look, the best thing for you to do now is get set up in an identical environment. Later, if you want to talk we can compare features and price, but right now you should focus on making yourself whole.” I didn’t see how adding the extra complexity of data migration could possibily make a user’s life better, so inferred that there must have been other factors coming into play. I don’t think I was wrong.

One thought on “”

  1. Anil Dash posted an ad for Typepad in the comments where I asked users to enter the URL of their weblog. I deleted it. I saved them a bunch of grief doing so.


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