
Gooood morning campers. I’ve been digging the jazz on my commute lately. While I sort out my car/ipod rig I’m tuned into 91.1 KCSM. The format is public radioesque, but without the news (is the Morning Edition theme ringing in your ears right about now?). There are no commercials, but like public radio there are periodic fund drives. When they asked for money last week I happily made my contribution…and then had to listen to another week of asking for money (argh). On the podcast side, check out red Jazz. They’re just fantastic.

Today (Sunday) I started to research how to hardwire an iPod into my car, a 2006 Mazda3. The factory installed stereo has no tapedeck, but it does have an intriguing Media button on the front panel. The question is, how to connect? I found a little doohickey from Logic3 that breaks out the iPod line level signal to two RCA plugs, and a nice flickr set showing how to pull out the stereo head. Everything worked great except that the stereo doesn’t have anything resembling a standard input. Apparently you have to buy a third party solution of one sort or other to connect everything together. So this project is still in progress…

Happiness is a networked TiVo

It took a few weeks but we finally got the TiVo back online and connected to our local cable service. I discovered that changing sources on the TiVo is tricky. Most of the work was in finding the right menu option for “I’ve moved”. It’s under Messages & Setup -> System Reset -> Repeat Guided Setup. Not something I would have guessed from clicking around. I had to dig up and read the dead trees manual to figure it out. Thankfully, the process didn’t wipe out my network settings, so the TiVo connected through the home network just fine. The other trick with moving is that all the channel numbers change, so you have to re-do your Season passes. Program My TiVo is down for the moment, but should be back up once I re-config the tv guide data for my new cable system.